Opinion poll predicts close BJP-AAP fight

NEW DELHI: Predicting a tight fight between BJP and AAP, an India Today-CICERO opinion poll gives the former an edge with 34-40 seats. But Congress's fortunes continue to decline.

The poll forecasts BJP with 39% votes to finish ahead of AAP, which with a vote share of 36% will get 25-31 seats. "It seems as if the people of Delhi are in no mood to give Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP a second chance," the press release states.

BJP is seen to lead 39% to 38% in the under-25 vote and, significantly, is seen to have 39% of the women's vote to AAP's 36%, indicating gains in a segment where the saffron party has not always done well.

Even after facing allegations of quitting office in haste, Kejriwal remains the most-preferred choice for CM with 35% respondents rooting for him. About two-third (67%) said they were satisfied with the work done by Kejriwal during his 49-day tenure.

BJP's Harsh Vardhan is a distant runner up with 19% support. Only 9% expressed their confidence in ex-CM Sheila Dikshit, followed by Arvinder Singh (8%) of Congress. Neither Congress nor BJP have declared a CM nominee.

Congress comes a poor third with 16% votes. Others are projected to bag 0-2 seats with 9% of the vote share.

The close competition for the youth vote between BJP and AAP might play the decider. In rural areas both BJP and AAP have 34% and 33% support respectively. The survey finding shows more affinity for BJP in Delhi's upper/upper-middle class localities with 45% of the respondents preferring the party. But AAP still has support of a section here with 39% likely to go for it.
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