Puli is an upcoming Tamil magical fantasy film written and directed by Chimbu Deven. The film features Vijay in the leading role alongside an ensemble cast including Shruti Haasan, Prabhu, Hansika Motwani, Sridevi and Sudeep. Produced by Vijay's press relations officer Selvakumar, the project has music composed by Devi Sri Prasad and has Natarajan Subramaniam
as cinematographer. After beginning pre-production works in early 2013,
the film began its shoot in November 2014 and the movie budget is 100
After the success of the film "KATHTHI", directed by Vijay Simbudevan acting in Coming Hansika, Shruti Haasan and Sridevi are acting as the others. The shooting is currently being actively with grand sets.
Market jobs even though some of the pictures, and is currently completing the shooting of Vijay, Chennai, Chengalpattu, North and South Arcot area distribution rights of the owner of the largest sum Murali Films from Commited by sri thendral.
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After the success of the film "KATHTHI", directed by Vijay Simbudevan acting in Coming Hansika, Shruti Haasan and Sridevi are acting as the others. The shooting is currently being actively with grand sets.
Market jobs even though some of the pictures, and is currently completing the shooting of Vijay, Chennai, Chengalpattu, North and South Arcot area distribution rights of the owner of the largest sum Murali Films from Commited by sri thendral.
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